Javier Padilla

(Xabier Lynch)

Born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico in 1976. Since childhood shows interest in drawing and painting. This interest is enhanced during middle school where he attended Visual  and Industrial Art classes. During High School years, he studied pottery as an elective class at  Monserrate Leon de Irizarry School in Boqueron Puerto Rico.

While earning his BA in Biology at the Recinto Universitario de Mayaguez, he used the skills learned in pottery class and worked on clay sculpture for a while under the pseudonym (El Alfarero) and  began working as a scientific illustrator for Dr. Juan A. Rivero’s book on Evolution at the same university.  This experience helped in sharpening his ink drawing skills. He worked  on watercolor for a while focusing on Puerto Rico’s  1960’s and 1970’s landscapes. Following this period of traditional landscape paintings he stepped into artisan workmanship and begun using acrylic paints on sea washed bamboo wood. His bamboo art pieces were exposed at Galeria Yemaya, Isabela P.R. And Cayo Caribe, Lajas P.R. Contact with artists like; Alberto (Beto) Torrens, Miguel Rosario, and Naesche inspired Javier to venture into the world of fine arts and began painting on canvas on 2004. Javier is a self-taught artist and has developed his unique painting style after years working with acrylics. His major influences are: the Mexican muralist Orozco, and surrealist Salvador Dali and Oscar Dominguez.

Besides Galeria Yemaya and Cayo Caribe, Javier attended:

  • Collective surreal exhibition  Impressiones Nobles on Dilan, 2005
  • Opus Magnum Solo exhibition at the University of Puerto Rico RUM 2005
  • Chrome Dreams Exhibition at Arte Cafe, St. Germain PR 2005

He moved to the city of Alexandria Virginia in 2006. The immediate reality surrounding the artist makes him paint in a semi-Cubist style for a period of time considered by the artist as one of sensory adaptation and turbulence. After several years of searching, he started working on  a series of paintings called (The Green Man) under the name of (Xabier Lynch).

Padilla’s work can be considered a work in progress that focuses on the artist empirical mysticism and his recognition of a surreal collective consciousness. Each work is considered by the artist as a ‘self portrait’ which seeks to impact the mind of the spectator with the goal of opening a window into the mystical consciousness that dwells in each one of us. In each piece the artist captures his existential reality in a wistful, melancholic mood. Besides painting, Javier is working on a series of poems entitled Unauthorized Poetry that also addresses the mystical surrealism we see in his paintings.

The Art League of Alexandria – member
The Art League of Fairfax – member and gallery sitter
Coalicion de artistas de Puerto Rico (online directory) – member

Recent Expositions:

  • The Alexandria Art League – Alexandria VA 2010
  • The Potomac Art Gallery – Montgomery MD 2013

Artist statement:

I have always been interested in sharing my vision on the metaphysical aspects of creation. Researching and exploring different cultures’ philosophies and religions in an attempt understand the complexities of the society we live, led me to explore different ways of communication. I tried writing, but I figured out that I would needed thousand of pages to describe the simplest things. I try poetry, and found surrealist poetry to be the perfect instrument to communicate this weird thing we call reality. Learning from the surrealist movement, the art of depicting the impossible, I started painting my dreams, experiences, and ideas using the double image technique. In my language you will find images of alchemical significance, Hinduism philosophy, Celtic and Afro Caribbean pantheon figures, TAROT cards, Kabbalah and quantum physics. I think of art as an instrument at the service of a major purpose. My art rather than being an attempt to copy the images we get through our five senses is an attempt to translate onto images a reality that lies behind the scenes.